Using QR Codes for Effective Marketing

QR Code

QR codes are a practical tool for linking the physical world to digital content with a simple scan. They enable businesses to instantly connect customers to online resources, enhancing marketing effectiveness. This article will explore how QR codes can be strategically used in real-world marketing to drive engagement and why they are less suitable for online use.

Use QR Codes in the Real World

QR codes excel in real-world applications where direct digital engagement is advantageous. 

  • Restaurants commonly use them on tables for customers to scan and view menus or place orders directly.
  • Businesses embed QR codes in brochures and magazine ads, enabling instant access to additional information, sign-up pages, or promotional offers.
  • Presentations can feature QR codes on slides to direct attendees to further reading or downloadable content.
  • They are also effective on vehicle signage
  • and television advertisements, where a quick scan can lead consumers to a website or campaign landing page.
  • Business cards, too, benefit from the integration of QR codes, turning a simple physical exchange into a dynamic digital interaction. Link your QR code to your LinkedIn profile or digital contact card.
  • Even physical signs at events or retail locations can use QR codes to guide visitors towards engaging with the brand online immediately.

And best of all, these interactions can all be tracked.

Don't use them online

Using QR codes online often leads to redundancy and can detract from the user experience. When users are already engaged on digital platforms, incorporating QR codes is less efficient than using direct links or interactive buttons. For example, adding a QR code on a website or in an email for navigation is unnecessary since a clickable link provides instant access with less effort. Moreover, using QR codes in digital ads or social media posts can confuse the user journey, making the process more cumbersome than beneficial. Instead, clear call-to-action buttons and hyperlinks should be used to streamline interactions and enhance user engagement on digital platforms.

Defining the purpose

In order to create a QR code that effectively meets your strategic goals, it’s crucial to clearly define its purpose beforehand. When creating a QR code, consider the action you want users to take when they scan the code. Do you want them to visit a website page, a product page, an event page, watch a promotional video, or sign up for your newsletter? Identifying the intended function of the QR code will help determine the type of content it should link to. This will ensure that it aligns with your overall marketing objectives and enhances the user experience.

The destination

When using a QR code to direct users to a webpage, it’s important to make sure that the destination is highly relevant and tailored to their specific interests. The content of the page should address the subject or offer promised by the QR code directly. For instance, if a QR code advertises a particular service or offer, the linked page should provide details exclusively about that service, not a general homepage or a different promotion. Sending users to a generic homepage can confuse and frustrate them, leading to a quick departure rather than continued engagement. By ensuring that the landing page matches their expectations, you can maintain their interest and trust, providing a seamless and direct experience that maximizes the effectiveness of the QR interaction and increases the likelihood of achieving your desired outcome.

While there are several services that offer to host QR code destinations, the best strategy is often to direct traffic straight to your own website. This approach not only avoids unnecessary costs but also enhances your site’s credibility with search engines such as Google. By driving visitors directly to your website, you can increase your site’s traffic and engage users deeper into your marketing funnel. This method allows you to have complete control over the user experience, ensuring that visitors receive a consistent brand message and are exposed to other strategic calls-to-action. Hosting QR destinations on your own site not only saves you money but also significantly amplifies the impact of your digital marketing efforts.

Track the results

It’s revolutionary how QR codes allow us to measure real-world interactions, a capability that was previously challenging to achieve. By incorporating URL parameters into the links used in QR code campaigns, we can now track these interactions with precision. These parameters enable the collection of detailed analytics, such as the number of scans, user behaviour on the website, and the effectiveness of the campaign against marketing goals. 

Getting a QR Code

Your printer may be able to assist you with creating the QR code. All you need to add is the URL. Ensure you include a parameter to track visitors (see above).

The following generators may suit your purposes:


At Webtree, we specialise in enhancing your online presence and ensuring your website is perfectly tailored to meet the demands of today’s digital landscape. Whether you’re integrating QR codes or refining your user experience, we have the expertise to help your site attract and retain more visitors. Contact us to discover how our tailored web solutions can drive your business forward.

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